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Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Useful Linux Commands for Oracle FMW


1. $ LOGNAME                  : It displays the current user information
2. $PWD                          : present working directory
3. $DATE                          : It displays the system date & time
4. $clear                           : To clear the screen
5. $cal                               : it current month and year
6. $cal 2000                      : Displays the 2000 year calendar
7. $cal 8 2006                  : displays the 8th month of 2006
8. $exit or logout             : exit from current user account
9. $ who                          : displays the all user in who are currently working on server
10. $finger                      : displays the all user who are currently working on server with more information
11. Who am I                   : displays current user information
12. Which or where          : displays the location of the given command

My Commands:
Du –sk filename : to find the size of one file
    Du –sk test.txt
Du –sk filename1 filename2 …. : to find size of multiple files
Du –sk test.txt test2.txt
Du –a   ‘Directory name’ : Give the size of all files in that directory.
Du –sk * also can be used to find size of all the files.
Du –a ‘In Bound’  : It List size of all files/Folder size in present directory
Du  -[akhrstx]: Du for folder can be used with any of these characters
But I am getting same result for Du –[trx]
Du –h ‘In Bound’ : consider size of directory while calculating
E:\files in ds>du -h
      512B ./In Bound/testing_UNIX
   14.50KB ./In Bound
  153.50KB ./Out Bound
  327.00KB .

How to find all the files in all the directories in that folder?
Suppose Files in Ds is the folder which has so many files and also 2 Folders In Bound and Out Bound. We want the files present in In Bound and also Out bound, In that case what needs to be used?
Ls –R

  Syn: $which pwd
13. Cat                            : is use to create new files or to open exiting files or to append data to the exiting files
Create: cat >filename
Redirect: cat file1 file2 file3 >file4--------àredirect output
Append: cat >>filename--------à single file        $cat file1 file2 file3 >>EMP------àmulti files
Open file: cat <filename-----àopen single file   $cat file1, file2, file3----------àto open multi files
Cat >.filename---------for hidden files
14. Touch               : It is used to create an empty file i.e. 0 byte file
SYN: $ touch filename
$ touch file1 file2 file3---------à create multiple files
15. rm                    : deleting files or directories
rm filename----------------àdeleting single file
rm -i filename--------------àdeleting files with confirmation
rm file1 file2----------------àdeleting multiple files
rmdir dirname--------------àdeleting the directory but the directory must be empty
rm  -r dirname-------------àdeleting directory recursively (i.e. with tree str)x
rm –ri dirname-------------àremove directory with confirmation
rm *   ---------------------à it delets all files
rm  -I *--------------------àdelets all files with confirmation
rm t* ---------------------àit delets whose file name starts with ‘t’
How to delete the directory which is not empty?
Ex: Rm –r Testing_Unix.
16. mkdir               : creating directories
Syn: $mkdir dirname
Sys: $Mkdir .dirname------------àhidden directory
17. Cd          : change directory
Sys: $cd abc
$pwd------/home/madhav/abc using above cmd we can come out from abc now we at //home/madhav
cd..---------------------------àto come out from current directory
cd../..------------------------àparent directory
cd/---------------------------àit changes to root directory
cd ~-------------------------àit changes to home directory

18. cp                              :copy source file to target file

Cp emp1 emp2----------------------àemp1 tp 2 coping
Cp –I m1 m2-------------------------àoverwrite confirmation? Y
Cp –R source directory to target directory-------cp –R abc xyz
19. mv                               : it is used to rename or move file
Ex: mv exiting filename new filename
           Mv emp .emp----------------------àto hide
          Mv .emp emp--------------------àto unhide                       : display, list of all files & directories in a current directory|more             : display, list of all files & directories page by page
22. ls –a                 : display, list of all files & directories including hidden files and dirctories also in current directory
23. ls  –r                : display list of all files & directories revers order in a current directory
24. Ls –R                : display list of  all files & directories recursively in a current directory
25. Ls –t                 : display list of all files & directories according to date of creation in a current directory
26. Ls –F                : display all list of files & directories, link files, .exe files in a current directory
27. Ls-x                 : display all list of files & directories according to width wise in a current directory
28. Ls-L                  : display all list of files & directories in a current directory in a long list i.e. 9 fields
 1) File types
[1) -- For regular file ii) d—for dir file III) L—for link file IV) b—for block of filesV) c— for char files] [here IV, V is device files]
2) File permissions 3) no. of links 4) owner name 5) group name 6) file size in bytes 7) Date 8) time 9) filename

30. cmp                  : it compares two files char by char
Sys: cmp file1 file2
E:\files in ds\In Bound>cmp type1.txt type2.txt
type1.txt type2.txt differ     r: char 25, line 2      
Ex: a1: Hello Good Morning
               a2: Hello Good Evening
    If two lines are same then return nothing
     If two files are are different then it displays line number with character position
31. comm.              : It display common lines b/w 2 files
           Syn: Comm File1 file2
32. diff                               : it display different lines b/w 2 files
33. pg                    : it display the file contents page by page
                   Syn: $Pg filename
34. more                : it also display the file contents page by page
                   Syn: $more filename
34. head       :it display the 1st n lines from the file
Sys: $ head –n filename
35. tail                      : it display the last n lines from file
                   Syn: tail –n filename
   Tail +n filename----àit indicates nth line to end of the line 
   Ex: tail +30 file (in this file total no of records is 100) it displays the records from 30th to 100
36. wc           : it counts the no of lines, words, chars in a given file.
                   Syn: $wc filename
i) wc –l filename------------------àit gives the no of lines in a given file
ii) wc –w filename---------------àit gives the no of words in a given file
III) wc –c filename---------------à it gives no. of char in file
iv) wc -lw filename--------------à it gives the no of lines and character in a given file

i)   ‘*’--------àit matches ‘0’ or more chars
ii)  ‘?’ -------àit matches any single chars
iii) [    ] ---àit matches any single chars in the given list
iv) ‘–‘------àit matches any single char in the given range
1)    ls  t*---------------àit list the files starts with ‘t’

2)    ls  *s  -------------àit list the files that ends with ‘S’

3)    ls b*k--------------àit list the files starts with ‘b’ and ends with ‘k’

4)    ls  a?--------------àit list the 2 characters filename 1st later fallowed by ‘a’ and second letter is any one character

5)    ls[bknt]-----------àit list the files starts with ‘b’ or ‘k’ or ‘n’ or ‘t’

6)    ls [abcdefgh] or ls[a-h]*--àlist the files, first char b/w ‘a’ to ‘h’

7)    ls [b-k][p-t][d-n]*---------à it list the files the 1st character ‘b’ to ‘k’ 2nd char ‘p’ to ‘t’ 3rd char ‘d’ to ‘n’ after that any no of characters
ls doesn’t care about Case sensitive
ex: ls [aeiou]*.txt and ls[AEIOU]*.txt both will give the same result
38. grep             : [globally search a regular expression and print it]
Is used for to search a string or regular expression in a given file(s)
I) Eg: $ grep madhav sample
O/p: 2nd line
5th line
7th line
                    ii) Eg: $grep madhav a1, a2, a3:
                   iii) $ grep techno *------àit searches for techno in current dir files (all files)
          iv) $grep techno soft sample-----àit searches for more than one word
We kept it in “   “
         v) $grep “techno soft” sample
grep cmd options
$ grep –i techno sample-----------------------àignore case sensitive
$ grep –c techno sample-----------------------àcount no of lines
$grep –n techno sample-----------------------àprint along with the line numbers
$grep –l techno *------------------------------àlist only file names
$grep –v “techno soft” sample---------------ànot matches print the lines
$grep –ci techno sample----------------------àIgnore case sensitive found no of lines
$grep “techno *” sample---------------------àpattern
Regular expression: any string contains wildcard charctor knows as regular expression or pattern
            These patterns are of 3 types:
Charctor pattern: the default pattern  is char pattern only
i) $grep “techno *” sample
ii) $grep “b [aeiou] ll” sample
iii) $grep “b..d” sample---ài.e. or matches any single charctor
Word pattern :/<    />
                   /< -------àstart of the word
                   />------àend of the word
Grep “/<techno/>” sample ------------ào/p: techno
Grep “/<techno” sample----------------ào/p: techno soft
                                                   -----------------ào/p: techno 123
Grep “techno/>” sample              ----ào/p: hellotechno, abctechno
Grep “/< [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/>” sample--------------àit display 4 digits       (i.e.1234, 4567)

Line pattern: ^----------starts of the file
                                                $----------ends of the file
Ex: grep “^d” sample---------------àit display the line starts with‘d’
          Grep “^the” sample-----------------àit list the lines start with ‘the’
          Grep “^/<the/>” simple ----------àsample the line exactly start with ‘the’
          Grep “t$” simple-------------------àlist the line ends with‘t’ or last char is‘t2019
           Grep “[0-9] $” sample------------à display the line ends with 0 to 9 digit
Grep “^ [bkt]” sample------------àlist the line starting with ‘b’ or ‘k ‘or’t’
Grep “^ [^bkt]” sample----------àlist the line which is not start with ‘b’ or ‘k’ or‘t’
Grep “”^UNIX$” sample ---------àdisplay the line having only word ‘Unix’
Grep “^…. $”----------------------àlist the line which contains ‘4’ characters   
(.)----------------------------------àrepresent single charctor
Grep “^.”------------------------àSample it list all lines
Grep “/.” Sample: --------------àit lists the line start with (.)
We use \ to search *, $, ^ as a charctor-------à i.e.\*,|^,\$
Grep “^$” sample--------------à it list empty lines
Grep –c “^$” sample----------àcounts no of empty lines in a file
Grep –v “^$” sample----------àprint not matches (i.e. not empty) lines
Grep –v “^$”sample >temp
Mv temp sample-------------------àhere both are delete empty files
This command is used to show the After 3 lines when the string is found
Grep –A 3 –i “Chandra” emp.txt
This command is used to show the Before 3 lines when the string is found
Grep –B 3 –I “se” emp.txt
If the no.of lines found are not exactly same as the lines found then it will result the lines that it found.

39. fgrep      : it is used for search multiple strings but it doesn’t allow to search regular expression
     $grep “hello
          >UNIX”sample----------àit searches for hello or techno str UNIX
40. egrep               : it is combination of grep and fgrep
   $egrep “hello
          >UNIX”sample       $egrep “^$” sample
41. Sed                       : to replace a string
$ sed “s/existing string/new string/g” filename--àsed is used to find and replace and grep is for find print
Here g is to state that replace existing string with new string Globally. If we want to replace only second instance then
Sed “s/ existing string/new string/2”
We can use any delimiter to replace the command
Sed “s| existing string| new string |g”
We can replace the string in only one particular line
Sed “3 s| existing string| new string |g”
We can replace range of lines by using below command
Sed “1,3 s| existing string| new string |g”

We can find any no.of lines 2 times by using sed command
Sed  ‘p’ emp.txt -à This will print all lines 2 times
We can print only particular lines of a file
Sed –n ‘1p;$p’ emp.txt
We can delete lines by usin sed
Sed ‘2 d’ emp.txt àDelete 2 line
Sed  ‘1d; $d ‘ emp.txt  àDelete 1 and last line
Sed  ‘1,5 d’ emp.txt àDelete the line range from 1 to 5.

i) $sed “s/Unix/Linux/gi “madhav: -------------à ‘i ‘for case sensitive
ii) $sed “s/^Unix/Linux/gi”----------------------à whatever lines starting with UNIX are replaced by Linux
iii) $sed “s/^$/I like Unix/g I” sample--------àempty string are filled with ‘I like UNIX’’
iv) $Sed “s/Unix//g I” sample-----------------àit search UNIX if found replace with ‘nothing’ (empty)
42. tr                     : to translate a charctor
i) tr “a” “p” <s--------------------à it read data from sample and ‘a’ is replaced by ‘p’
ii) tr “aeiou” “AEIOU”<sample----àreplace char by char
iii) tr “,” “lt” <emp----------------àwhenever “,” is there replace with tab space
          iv) tr “[a-z]” “[A-Z] <Siva--------à converts hole file into uppercase
43) Cut         : it is used for to retrieve required fields and characters from a given file
Ex: madhav is good boy--à18 chars
Cut –f 2-5 madhav---ào/p: adha
Cut –c 1-10 madhav
Cut –c 5-10, 15-20 madhav-------àfor every line 5-10, 15-20 characters
Cut –c 1,2,3 emp.txt àPrints 1,2 and 3rd char of each line
Cut –c 1-3,4-6 emp.txt à prints 1 to 3 and 4 to 6 character of each line
Cut –c10- emp.txt  àPrint the lines from 10th to end position by using cut command
We can print the lines by using delimiter
Cut –d’,’ –f2 emp.txt àThis will print the 2nd word of each line by taking ‘,’ as delimiter.
Cut –d’,’ –f2,3, emp.txt àThis will print the 2nd and 3rd words of each line by taking comma as delimiter.

How to get the last field of a file.
Cat emp.txt| rev| cut –d’,’ –f2 |rev

44) Paste     : is used for to join two or more files horizontally by using delimiter
Cat >states                                          cat >cities            paste –d “:”states cities>tr filename
AP                                                      Hyderabad               AP: Hyderabad                  
Tamilnadu                                            madras                   Tamilnadu: madras
Karnataka                                            Bangalore                Karnataka: Bangalore        
Kerala                                                 Trivandrum
Maharashtra                                         Bombay
45) Sort        : it is used for to sort the file content. By default it sorts file contents based on ASCII values-àdefault is ascending
Sort sample
i) sort –r sample------àdisplays descending order
ii) sort –u sample-----àit displays unique lines in the given file
iii) sort –n file----à’N” numeric comparisons
iv) sort –nur file
v) sort sample >temp
$mv temp sample
Sorting the data field by field
+pos--àstarting field
-Pos--àending field (optional)
i) Sort –f +pas1 –pas2 filename
ii) Sort –f +1 -3 filename-----àstarting from end before 3
iii) Sort –fn +2 -3 file ------àit gives only numbers
46) Uniq       : it displays unique lines in the given file but the file contents should be in sort order
Ex:file1         i) $ uniq file                  ii) $uniq –u filename--àit eliminates duplicates Aaaaaa
Aaaaaa         Aaaaaa                             ccccc
Aaaaaa         cccccccc                            ddddd
Ccccccc         dddddd                             Ppppp 
Ddddd           hhhhhh                             ttttttt           
Hhhhh           pppppp
Hhhhh           ttttttttt
iii) $ Uniq –d filename----displays only duplicated lines   IV) uniq –c filename-----àit counts how many times lines duplicated
V) $ uniq –u file >temp
$ mv temp filename
Delete duplicated lines from file                         Ddddd-----1
47)piping(|)     : it is used for to combine 2 or more cmds |take left side o/p to right side cmd as i/p
i)  $who |wc –l---------àcount total no of lines (files) in current directory
ii) $ ls|wc –l------------àdisplays total no of subdirectories in the current directory
iii) ls –l |grep “^d”----àdisplays total no of subdirectories who stats with line no‘d’
iV) $head -30 sample|tail +20 sample------àdisplay the the lines from 20 to 30 from given file
v) $ grep UNIX stud | cut –f 2, 3|sort filename -----àdisplay UNIX students names & ph no in ascending order
48) $tee            : it is used to for to write data to the file as well as to the screen
$grep UNIX stud | cut –f 2, 3 |sort |tee file1
49) Shell scripting:
It is group of UNIX commands and shell keywords
The main concept of shell scripting is to handle text files
I) Boune shell----àsteave Bourne -----à$--------sh--- (sh as interpreter)
ii) Bash shell (borne again shell) ---same as above--àadvanced version of Bourne is BASH (Linux default shell)
iii) Korn shell------David korn----$----------ksh (interpreter) ----àused as AIX default shell
Mostly used shell is korn shell it supports re usability, all shell designed on bourn shell
50) $ksh            : shift to korn shell
51) $echo $0              : it displays current child shell name
52) $alias                    : it lists all alias names
53) Unalias alias names: to delete alias names
54) $ history                 : it displays the previously executed commands
55) Echo                          : it display the string on screen (monitor)
File permissions:(xxx/xxx/xxx)
User/owner---permissions     (first part)
Group permissions                    (second part)
Other permissions                    (third part)
+--- (add permissions to u/g/o but it does not delete exiting permission)
--- (deny permissions)
=---- (assign permissions (add permissions to u/g/o but it  delete exiting permission))
rw-/rw-/r-- ---------àDefault permissions for regular files
rwx/rwx/r-x---------àdefault permission for directories
56) chmod              : it is used for to change file permissions
Syn: $chmod who/ [+/-/=]/
i) ls –l filename-------àrw- rw-   r—
ii) chmod g+x filename-----àrw- rwx  r—
iii) chmod u+x, g-w filename------àrwx r-x r—
iV) chmod g=w filename-----àrwx –w- r—
Octal code
$chmod 756 filename-------àrwx r-x rw-
$chmod 642 filename----àrw- r--  -w-
57) chown        : to change owner name of the file
#chown owner name filename
58) chgrep    : to change group name of the file
# chgrp group name filename
58) $write    : it is user for to with the users but the user shxould be logged into the server
          $write techno2                   ii) $mesg n--àdeny the msg
          Hello                       iii) mesg y-àto allow msges
59) awk/nawk file            : scan for patterns in a file and process the results
60) cat                            : concatenate (list) or file
61) chsh (paawd –e/-s) userlogin_shell: change the user login shell
62) df                              : report the summary of disk blocks and nodes free and in use
           i) df –k---àit displays the disk space in bytes
          ii) df –h---àit displays disk space in kilo bytes
           iii) df –g---àit displays the disk space in giga bytes
63)du  :it displays the directory wise disk usage in form of blocks each block size is 512 bytes
64)g zip                  :to create a zip file
Ex $gzip filename----ào/p: filename.gz
To Create multiple Zip files to a single Zip file we use below command
>Zip emp*.txt
The above command will zip all the files to and we can get all files starting with emp.
65) gunzip             : to unzip the files
Ex: gunzip filename.gz
66. compress         : it also used for to zip the file---àit used to save with .z format
67) Uncompress     : same as above
Gzip saves more memory than compress
68) zcat                 : it used to displays zip file contents in readable format
$zcat sample.gz

$zcat sample.z
69) To kill foreground job cntl+c or cntl+z
$ sleep 500
$ sleep 100&
70) ps or $ ps –f   : it displays current user account running process list (show status of active process)
71) $ps –a: it displays all user accounts running process list
72) Kill                           : it kill background process
Ex: kill PID
73) telnet           : to connect to remote server
74) ftp: file transfer protocol -----àtransfer files from one server to another
    $ ftp ipaddress
Login: -------
Password: ------
Ftp>ls  (server)
Ftp>get filename (to download a file)
Ftp>mget file1 file2----- (to download multi files)
Ftp>put filename (to upload a file)
Ftp>mput file1 file2----- (to upload multi files)
75)Ftp: to transfer files from one server user account to another server user account
   $su root --àto switch to admin
76) Wall                  : it is used for to sent broadcast message to all users who are currently working on server
Happy new-year
77)mail         :it is used for to send the mail, if user is not logged in then also we can send mail
i) $ mail techno1
Cntl+d every user contains mailbox
at a time we can send msg to multiple users
2) $mail techno1 techno2 techno 3
Sub: from techno
iii) $ mail techno<stud
stud send content as a mail to techno3
mail is the cmd to read mails in the mailbox
1>first mail
2>second mail reading
&2 it quickly opens second mail
&q--àquit from mail box
&w to save mail contents to a file
&pàprint mail contents
&d-àdelete mails
78)$mail –f:to read mails send to secondary mailbox
79) emacs    :full screen editor
80) echo       : echo the text string to on monitor
81) file         : classify the file type
82) expr       : evaluates the arguments, used to do arithmetic,etc in the shell
83) find         : find files, matching a type or pattern
84) Hostname         : display or set the name of the current machine
85)ln                           : link the source to target
86)lpq ,lpstat                   :show the status of the print jobs
87)lpr,lp                 :print to defind printer
88) lprm, cancel      : remove a print job from the print quee
89) man                 :display manual of given cmd
90)od                    :octal dump a binary file,in octal,ASCII,hex,decimal or char
91)passwd             :to set or change password
92) pr                    : filter the file and print it on the terminal
93) rcp hostname   : remotely copy files from this machine to another machine
94) rlogine hostname: login remotely to another machine
95) rsh hostname   : remote shell to run on another machine
96) script file                   : saves everything that appears on the screen to file until exit is executed
97) source file                  : read cmds from the file and execute them in the current shell
98) string file                                : used to search binary files for ASCII strings
99) Sty                                         : set or display terminal control options
100) uudecode file                     : decode a uuencoded file, recreating the original file
101) uuencode new name              : encode the binary file to 7-bit ASCII,usefull when sending via email, to be Decode as new name at destination
102) vi                               : visual ,full screen editor
103) jobs                : display background and suspended processes
104) kill %1            : remove suspended process #1
105) top                 : display the current, most computer-intensive commands
106) osview            : display the operating system statistics

107) setenv            : list environmental variables

Thursday, 1 October 2015

List Of Identity & Access Management

Top List Identity & Access Management Security Tools 

2. Sap Identity Management 

3. Tivoli Identity Management 

4. Forefront Identity Manager

5. ForgeRock Identity Management 

6. Deep IACM 

7. Ping IdM

8. MicroSoft IdM

9. SailPoint IdM

10. RSA IdM

11. AlertEnterprise IdM

12. Authentify IdM

13. Avatier IdM

14. Ca. Technologies 

15. Centrify IdM

16. Fortuna IdM

17. Dell IdM

18. CyberArk IdM

19. Courian IdM

20. LightHouse Gateway 

21. NetIQ IdM

22. Fischer IdM

24. unboundid

25. Sun IdM 

Thanks & Regards 
Lakshmi Prasad Reddy 

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Oracle Identity & Access Management Environment Setup Guide Lines

OFM | Directory Services ( LDAP ) | ERP'S 

 Node 1 ( OIM - Oracle Identity Manager  )

Hardware Requirements 

RAM :: 16GB     HD :: 500GB Processor : Intel i3 or Above 

1. Install VM / Virtual Box

2. Install OS like as Windows Server / Linux 

3. Install Oracle Database ( Single Instance or RAC )

4. Create schemes of Managed Servers like OIAM suite, BI, WC, etc By Using RCU 

5. Install JDK / JRockit 1.6 

6. Install Application Server ( WebLogic or JBOSS )

7.Install SOA and apply Patches. 

8. Install OIAM Server 

8.  Install Directory Services 

     a. Install Oracle Identity Management Suite ( OID/OVD/ODIP ) from Oracle 

     b. Install Oracle Unified Directory ( OUD )

    c. Install the Active Directory on windows only 
9.  Configure the Web Logic Domain 

10 . Configure the OIAM Domain 

11. Configure the Design Console 

12. Install Application Development with JDeveloper

13. Install Eclipse 

Node 2 ( OAM - Oracle Access Manager  )

Note : Oracle Access management consisting OAM, OAAM & OIF 

Hardware Requirements 

RAM :: 16GB     HD :: 500GB Processor : Intel i3 or Above 

1. Install Virtual Machine / Virtual Box

2. Install Oracle Linux 6.5 or Red-hat Linux 6.5 

3. Install Oracle Database 

4. Install RCU 

5. Install JDK / JRockit 1.6

6. Install WebLogic

7. Install OAM Server | OAAM Server | OIF Sever 

8. Install OUD 

9. Install WebTier ( OHS )

10. Install WebGate 

11. webtier register with weblogic 

Node 3 ( MS AD - MicroSoft Active Directory ) 

Hardware Requirements 

RAM :: 4GB     HD :: 320GB Processor : Intel core / i3 or Above 

Note : Microsoft Active Directory can be installed in Only Windows Server but not Linux 

1. Install VM / Virtual Box 

2. Install Windows Server 2003/2008 R2/2012

3. Configure AD domain 

4. Install the Connector Server Connector ( OOTB Connector )

Node 4 ( OID/OVD/ODIP -  Oracle Internet Directory )

Hardware Requirements 

RAM :: 8GB     HD :: 320GB Processor : Intel core / i3 or Above 

1. Install VM / Virtual Box 

2. Install Database 

3. Run RCU 

4. Install JRockit / JDK 

5. Install WebLogic

6. Install Identity Management Suite ( OID,OVD,ODIP )

Node 5 ( OUD - Oracle Unified Directory

Hardware Requirements 

RAM :: 4GB     HD :: 320GB Processor : Intel core / i3 or Above 

1. Install VM / Virtual Box  

2. Install Oracle Linux 6.5 

3. Install Oracle Database 11gR2

4. Install JDK / JRockit 

5. Install OUD

6. Install WebLogic Server

7. Application Development Framework ( App Dev Run )

8. Install ODSM or Configure Weblogic 

Node 6 ( EBS -  Oracle E-Business Suite R12

Hardware Requirements 

RAM :: 12GB       ||            HD :: 500GB || Processor : Intel i3 or Above 

1. Install VM / Virtual Box with OS Linux 6.5 

2. Install Database 11g

3. Install E-Business Suite R12

Node 7 ( PS - PeopleSoft

Hardware Requirements 

RAM :: 8GB     HD :: 320GB Processor : Intel i3 or Above 

1. Install VM with OS Linux 6.5 

2. MS SQL Server 2008

3. Jdk_Update_7

4. Tuxedo

5. weblogic Server

6. Peopletools( Disk1,Disk2,Disk3)

7. ApplicationHCM92(Disk1)

Node 8 ( Fusion Apps R8 / R9 - HCM & FI  ) 

Hardware Requirements 

RAM :: 296GB                                     HD :: 2TB Processor : Xeon dual Processer    

0. Install Vitual Box with OS Linux 6.5 

1. Install Oracle OIAM Fusion 11gR1 

2. Install Oracle Fusion Applications R9( hcm, fi )

Node 9 ( ADF - Application Development Framework  ) 

Hardware Requirements 

RAM :: 16GB     HD :: 500 Processor : Intel I3 or Above     

1. Install Virtual Box  with OS Linux 6.5 

2. Install ADF with Jdeveloper 

3. Install WebCenter

4. Install Android SDK 

Note : Xcode Must be Install only on MAC OS 

5.  Install Xcode ( IOS ) On MAC 

Node 10 ( OEMCC R4 - Oracle Enterprise Cloud Control  

1. Install Virtual Box   with OS Linux 6.5 

2. Install Oracle Database

3. Install OEM  - R4

Node 11 ( Workday  - HCM / FI  

Note :: Workday is Cloud based server 

Thanks & Regards

Lakshmi Reddy

Oracle Identity & Access Management Syllabus By Lucky-fusion

Oracle Identity & Access Management 10g/ 11gR1 / 11gR2 Ps1 | PS2 | PS3 By LuckyFusion 

Oracle Identity & Access Management can be classified into 3 Parts like as 

I. Oracle Identity & Access Management suite

II. Oracle Identity & Access Management Deployement 

III. Oracle Identity & Access Management Fusion 

OIAM Can be clasified into Mainly Two Roles 

I . Oracle Identity & Access Management Admin 

II. Oracle Identity & Access management Implementation 

OIM - Oracle Identity Manager ( User Life cycle Management - Create, Modify, Delete, Enable, Disable, Reset Password )

0. Overview of oracle | Fusion | Middleware

1. Overview of Oracle Identity & Access Management and its components

2. Overview & Architecture of Oracle Identity Manager

3. Installation & Configuration of OIAM Suite on Both Windows & Linux

4. Installation & Configuration of OIAM suite in Cluster Environments ( RAC : cluster,cloning )

5. Overview of Repository Creation Utility  ( Scheme Creation )

6. Overview of Admin Server :  Weblogic Server | JBOSS  (Application Server )

7. Overview of SOA Suite & Overview of Patches

8. Overview of Managed Servers ( OIM, OAM, OAAM, OIF, BI, SOA,WC )

9. Provisioning

    a. Provision        b. Recon

10. Workflows ( Provisioning & Approval )

11. Adapters ( Event , Role Generate, Pre-populate, Task AssignMent, Process Task)

12. Event Handlers

13. Connectors ( GTC Connectors, OOTB, Custom ( ICF, and other )

14. User Defined Framework ( UDF )

15. Overview of Jdeveloper, Eclipse & NetBeans

16. Self Registration & Delegation of Administration

17. Overview & Installation  of Microsoft Active Directory Domain Services

18. Overview  & Installation of Oracle Internet Directory / Oracle virtual Directory

19. Overview of Oracle Unified Directory

20. Overview of Oracle Directory Integration platform

21. Access Policies

22. Approval Policies

23. LDAP Sync pre and post.... like OID , OUD

24. AutN policy

25.  UI Customizations

26.  Schedulers

27. LookUps

28. Overview of HRMS Systems

29. Overview of Target Application ( Demo Sample Bank Application )

30. Application Development Framework 11g/12c

LAB Exercise  : Nearly 100 Labs

Exercise 1: Self Registration

Exercise 2: Approvals ( Request level, Operational Level )

Exercise 3:  Delegation of Administration

Exercise 4 : Flatfile Reconciliation through GTC Connector

Exercise 5 : Database Prov & Recon through OOTB Connector

Exercise 6 : Prov & Recon  to Directory Services  OID,OUD & MS AD through OOTB Connector

Exercise 7 : Prov & Recon to Bank Application through Custom Connector

Exercise 9 : Webservices Prov & Recon

Exercise 10 : Provisioning to Dis Connected Resource

Exercise 11 : UI Customizations

Exercise 12 : Pre-populate the Citizenship
                       Ex : IND -- Indian

Exercise 13: Access Policies

Exercise 14 : Approval Policies

Exercise 15 : Password Policies

Exercise 16 : Logo Customization

Exercise 17 : Adapters

Exercise 18 : Entity Adapter with Example

Exercise 19 : Role Generated Adapter with Example

Exercise 20 : Task Assignment Adapter with Example

Exercise 21 : Pre-Populate Adapter with Example

Exercise 22 : Process Task Adapter with Example

Exercise 23 : Event Handler with Example

Exercise 24 : Change the Employee type from Consultant to Full Time Employee

Exercise 25 :  LDAP Sync (OID) with OIM ( Pre & Post )

Exercise 26 :  MS AD Installation & Configuration

Exercise 27 : Provisioning & Reconciliation lies between OIM and MS AD

Exercise 28 : MS AD Password Sync

Exercise 29 : LDAP Password Sync

Exercise 30 : OIM Integration with EBS ( Recon  & UM )

Exercise 31 : Add custom attribute as " Responsibilities " in OIM

Exercise 32 : assign the Responsibilities to Role through OIM

Exercise 32 : OIM integration with PeopleSoft

Exercise 33 : Prov & Recon lies b/w OIM & PS

Exercise 34 : OIM integrate with OAM

Exercise 35 : Prov & Rec lies b/w  WorkDay ( OIM Integrate with WorkDay )

Exercise 36 :  SOA Composites ( Approvals & Provisioning )

Exercise 37 : Provision  ::           Manual Provisioning

Exercise 38 : Provision  ::           Automated Provisioning

Exercise 39 : Provision  ::          Request Based Provisioning

Exercise 40 : Reconciliation ::   Trusted Reconciliation & Target Reconciliation

Exercise 41 : Custom schedulers

Exercise 42 : BulkLoad Utility

Exercise 43 : Notifications

Exercise 44 : OIM integrate with E-Mail server

Exercise 45 : provision an user to Multiple Resources of LDAP Services like OID, OUD

Exercise 46 : Add custom attributes in MS AD

Exercise 47:  OIM Integrate with Oracle Fusion Applications

OAM - Oracle Access Manager  

1. Architecture & Silent Features 

2. Installation & Configuration of OAM , WebTier and WebGate 

3. Installation & Configuration of LDAP like OUD, OID/OVD

4.  Data Sources ( Default WebLogic Server ) 

5.  URL Protection 

6. Single Sign ON

7. Single Logout 


9. Session Management 

10. Cookies 

11. Installation & Configuration of E-Business Suite R12 

12. SSO to Oracle E-Business Suite R12 

13. OIM integration with OAM 

14. AutN

15. AutZ 

Thanks & Regards

Lakshmi Reddy  

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Oracle Identity & Access Management Domain Overview

Oracle Identity & Access Management Domain Overview 

 Note : Oracle IdM is one of the Component in Oracle Fusion Middleware 
 1. Oracle Identity & Access Management Suite

 2. Oracle Identity & Access Management Deployment suite

 3. Oracle Identity & Access Management Fusion suite 

Pre- Requirements 

Knowledge Requirement 
  •   Complete Core java and J2EE 
  •   Oracle SQL & PLSQL
  •    Application Development Framework ( Optional  ) 
  •    Good Knowledge on Both Windows & Linux ( Mandatory )
Hardware Requirements 
  • Minimum 8GB RAM , ( if 16GB RAM taken its very Good )
  • Minimum 320GB Hard Disk  
  • Intel I3 Processor  or Above 

Software Requirement 
  • Operating System Eg, Windows or LINUX
  • Database & Scheme Creation 
  • JDK
  • Web server & Application Server Eg, Tomcat, Weblogic, JBoss
  •  SOA Suite 
  • OIAM Suite  
  • Web center
  • JDeveloper
  • Eclipse
  • Web Gate 
  • Web Tier  ( Oracle Http Server )
  • BI Publisher
  • Oracle Identity Management Suite
  • Oracle Unified Directory 
  • Oracle Entitlement Server 
  • Microsoft Active Directory Services 
  • Oracle E-Business Suite 
  • PeopleSoft
  • JDEdwards 
  • Oracle Fusion Applications 
  • Others Depends on Client Request 

Oracle Identity & Access Manager Arch...

Thanks & Regards
Lakshmi Reddy N

Monday, 31 August 2015

How to Configuring an OID Authentication Provider in WebLogic 10.3.6

Ans :   Configuring an OID Authentication Provider in WebLogic 10.3.6


This is the architecture that depicts the configuration of an OID LDAP-based authentication provider used by OPSS applications deployed on a WebLogic Server environment. 

Follow the steps below to configure an OID authentication provider using the Weblogic Administration Console:

1.Open the Firefox web browser using the  icon on the launch panel. Make sure the WebLogic Server is running before continuing on to the next step.
2.Open the WebLogic Administration Console by browsing to http://localhost:7001/console.
Screenshot for Step
Login using the following credentials:
Username: weblogic
Password: welcome1
Screenshot for Step
3.Click the Security Realms link in the Domain Structure pane to show the list of security realms for the domain.
Screenshot for Step
4.Click the myrealm link in the Realms pane to show the settings for the domain's security realm.
Screenshot for Step
5.Click the Providers tab to show the security providers configured for myrealm.
Screenshot for Step
6.Click the Authentication tab to list the currently configured authentication providers for this domain's security realm. The default out-of-the-box providers are shown for the embedded LDAP authentication provider and identity asserter. This is where you configure the new OID authentication provider.
Screenshot for Step
7.Click New to create a new authentication provider for this domain.
Screenshot for Step
8.The Create a new Authentication Provider page is displayed. Give your new authentication provider a name, such as OID Authenticator, select the type called OracleInternetDirectoryAuthenticator, and click OK.
Screenshot for Step
9.You should now see your new OID authenticator in the list of authentication providers, at the bottom of the list.
Screenshot for Step
10.Click the link for your OID authentication provider to configure its settings.
Screenshot for Step
11.The Settings for OID Authenticator is displayed. Click the Provider Specific tab to configure the detailed settings for this provider.
Screenshot for Step
12.This step guides you through all of the settings for configuring your new OID authentication provider. All the settings are made on a single configuration page, however we go through them one section at a time in this instruction.
The first section contains the Connection settings for the OID server. Use the values from the table below for this section:
Host:localhostThe OID host name
Port:3060The standard OID listening port
Principal:cn=orcladminThe LDAP user that logs into OID on behalf of your authentication provider
Credentials:welcome1Password for the principal user
Confirm Credentials:welcome1Confirmation of the password
SSL Enabled:UncheckedEnables or disables SSL connectivity
Validate your settings against the screen shot below:
Screenshot for Step
The next section contains the Users settings for the OID provider. Use the values from the table below for this section:
User Base DN:cn=Users,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=comThe root (base DN) of the LDAP tree where searches are performed for user data
All Users Filter:Leave as defaultThe LDAP search filter that is used to show all the users below the User Base DN
User From Name Filter:Leave as defaultThe LDAP search filter used to find the LDAP user by name
User Search Scope:Leave as defaultSpecifies how deep in the LDAP tree to search for users
User Name Attribute:Leave as defaultThe attribute of the LDAP user that specifies the user name
User Object Class:Leave as defaultThe LDAP object class that stores users
Use Retrieved User Name as Principal:CheckedSpecifies if the user name retrieved from the LDAP directory will be used as the Principal in the Subject
Validate your settings against the screen shot below:
Screenshot for Step
The next section contains the Groups settings for the OID provider. Use the values from the table below for this section:
Group Base DN:cn=Groups,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=comThe root (base DN) of the LDAP tree where searches are performed for group data
All Groups Filter:Leave as defaultThe LDAP search filter that is used to show all the groups below the Group Base DN
Group From Name Filter:Leave as defaultThe LDAP search filter used to find the LDAP group by name
Group Search Scope:Leave as defaultSpecifies how deep in the LDAP tree to search for groups
Group Membership Searching:Leave as defaultSpecifies whether group searches into nested groups are limited or unlimited
Max Group Membership Search Level:Leave as defaultSpecifies how many levels of group membership can be searched. This setting is only valid if GroupMembershipSearching is set to limited
Ignore Duplicate Membership:UncheckedDetermines whether duplicates members are ignored when adding groups.
Validate your settings against the screen shot below:
Screenshot for Step
Click Save to persist your changes.
Screenshot for Step
13.Click the Common tab in the Settings for OID Authenticator pane to show settings common to all authentication providers.
Screenshot for Step
14.Change the Control Flag setting to SUFFICIENT and click Save. This setting allows this provider to participate in the authentication process without requiring the user to be in its identity store.
Screenshot for Step
15.Click the Providers link the breadcrumb displayed near the top of the page to quickly navigate back to theAuthentication Providers page.
Screenshot for Step
16.Click the DefaultAuthenticator link to display its common settings so you can change its control flag toSUFFICIENT as well.
Screenshot for Step
17.Change the Control Flag setting to SUFFICIENT and click Save. This setting allows this provider to participate in the authentication process without requiring the user to be in its identity store.
Screenshot for Step
18.Click the Providers link the breadcrumb displayed near the top of the page to quickly navigate back to theAuthentication Providers page.
Screenshot for Step
19.Click Reorder to change the order of your configured authentication providers.
If you remember from the OPSS Concepts self-study course, OPSS obtains its authentication configuration from the authentication provider configuration found in the WebLogic Server domain. It also states that OPSS first looks at all of the LDAP-based authentication providers in the list, and chooses the first one in the list with the highest control flag setting. Because we configured both LDAP-based authentication providers to use the SUFFICIENTcontrol flag setting, OPSS would use the default authenticator if we left the configuration as it is now. In order to ensure that OPSS recognizes your new OID authenticator as its authentication provider, you must reorder your list of authentication providers so that the OID authentication provider is first in the list.
Screenshot for Step
20.Select the OID Authenticator and use the arrows on the right to move it into the first position. Click OK.
Screenshot for Step